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Art ENCOUNTERS #2 "Monster : モンスター"

Dates:2024.10.11 Fri – 11.30 Sat

Hours:11:00~14:00 , 17:00~22:00

This fall, we are excited to present an exhibition-style showcase of artworks curated by SSHIKISAISHA at the trending spot “Soba Restaurant SHABA.” In this stylish space where tradition meets modernity, contemporary works by up-and-coming artists will be on display, offering visitors a new experience that blends visual and culinary delights.

For our second edition, we will present works themed around “Monsters,” in line with the Halloween season. The “Monster : モンスター” exhibition, which was held at Shikisai-Sha in 2022 and 2023, will now take place at Soba Restaurant SHABA in Omiya-kadomachi.

Mayuno Kobayashi

Kobayashi uses techniques from traditional Japanese painting to materialize her everyday thoughts, memories, and emotions into animals and monsters, expressing them as beings that reside within her inner world. Her works unfold a unique universe, featuring “inhabitants of the mind” who possess fluid thoughts and emotions.

Shoko Mihira

Mihira expresses emotions and complexes born from his personal experiences, social phenomena, and encounters with others through the form of “monsters.” Using the lampworking technique with borosilicate glass, known for its strength, his glassworks are shaped by melting them in fire, vividly depicting the monsters that lurk in everyday life.

The works of these two artists, both exploring the theme of “monsters” through different materials and techniques, breathe new life into the exhibition space. We invite you to enjoy this special display.

この秋、四季彩舎が提案するアート作品を、今話題のスポット「蕎麦屋 SHABA」にて展覧会形式でお届けします。伝統とモダンが交差するスタイリッシュな空間に、新進気鋭のアーティストによるモダンな作品が並び、視覚と味覚が交わる新たな体験が訪れる方々をお待ちしています。

第2回目となる今回は、ハロウィンに合わせて「モンスター」をテーマにした作品を展開します。2022年と2023年に四季彩舎で開催された「Monster: モンスター」展が、今回は大宮門街の蕎麦屋 SHABAに舞台を移して開催されます。








Monster : モンスター Mayuno Kobayashi × Shoko Mihira

October 11 (Fri) – November 30 (Sat), 2024

Soba Restaurant SHABA (Omiya-kadomachi)

5th Floor, 118 Daimon-cho 2-chome, Omiya-ku, Saitama City, Saitama 330-0846, Japan


Monster: モンスター 小林繭乃×三平硝子




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