Dates:2024.10.4 Fri – 10.20 Sun
Hours:12:00 - 18:00

We are pleased to announce Mitsuko Taira’s solo exhibition, Crime and Punishment, at SHIKISAISHA.
In her first solo exhibition, Taira will present seven newly created wooden sculptures. Additionally, at Tokyo Square Garden’s 1st Floor Art Gallery, we will showcase her award-winning piece, Pietà, which received the Nika Prize at the 105th Nika Exhibition, along with her self-portrait The Far North, created during her third year of university.
Mitsuko Taira has placed animals at the heart of her world since childhood, expressing their life essence through the medium of painted wood sculpture. Drawing inspiration from sources such as the Bible, poetry, and folklore, her works attempt to carve out a sense of serenity and deep emotion. In this exhibition, Crime and Punishment, she will display a white beast gazing toward the heavens with its limbs nailed down, a large blue wolf sculpture seated in contemplation, and a new piece depicting a dog in deep slumber. Alongside these new works, visitors will also have the opportunity to view The Far North and Pietà, two key pieces that mark pivotal moments in her artistic journey. We invite you to experience the depth of her artistic vision and the emotions embedded within her creations.
Artist Statement
“Animals have always been my world since childhood. Using painted wood sculpture as my medium, I strive to carve out stillness.
In the title piece, a white beast gazes upward with its limbs bound. The image brings to mind the crosses I’ve seen in churches and the final work of sculptor Morie Ogiwara, The Woman, whose form, kneeling with her hands tied behind her back yet reaching toward the sky, has resonated deeply with me.
My work, Crime and Punishment, represents captured wildness, innocence unjustly accused, and prayers born from despair. The world is always filled with conflict and sorrow. Am I the only one who sees the posture of this small creature as a form of ‘punishment’ for humanity, including myself?”
— Mitsuko Taira
「幼いころから動物は、わたしの世界そのものでした。 生き物をモチーフに木彫彩色というスタイルで、静謐さを彫り出そうと試みています。
表題作では、四肢を打ちつけられた白い獣が、天を仰ぎ見ています。 それは教会で目にしてきた十字架と、同郷の彫刻家 荻原守衛 (碌山)の絶作「女」の、 後ろ手に跪きつつ、天へと伸び上がろうとする姿にどこか重なるイメージがあります。
拙作「罪と罰」は、捕えられた野生、無実の罪、絶望の中の祈りを表しています。 世界はいつも、争いと悲しみで溢れかえっています。 この小さき命の佇みが、自分を含む人間への「罰」に見えてくるのは私だけでしょうか。」
— 平良光子
会期:2024年10月4日(金)- 10月20日(日)
時間:12:00 - 18:00
住所:東京都中央区京橋 2-11-9 西堀11番地ビル2階
東京スクエアガーデン 1F アートギャラリー
会期:2024年10月4日(金)~ 10月25日(金)
時間:10:00 - 19:00
住所:東京都中央区京橋 3-1-1
東京メトロ銀座線 京橋駅3番出口直結
Mitsuko Taira Solo Exhibition “Crime and Punishment”
Dates: October 4, 2024 (Fri) – October 20, 2024 (Sun)
Hours: 12:00 - 18:00
Closed: Mondays, October 12 (Sat)
Address: 2F, NISHIBORI Building, 2-11-9 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031
TEL: 03-3535-2131
Tokyo Square Garden Art Gallery
Dates: October 4, 2024 (Fri) – October 25, 2024 (Fri)
Hours: 10:00 - 19:00
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays
Address: 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031
Direct access from Exit 3, Kyobashi Station, Tokyo Metro Ginza Line